We're getting leafier and leafier around the apartment in anticipation of spring! Here's what's sprouting - and what we can't wait to start cooking with:
Bell pepper sprouts: The two sprouts remaining (from a group of 11 that we grabbed out of the compost bin) are getting to be robust! We started them on a diet of boiled water because it looked like they were having some salt issues.
Lime tree: lots of new leaf growth! And a new 'sunbathing collar' that we can thank UMD trash for. The older, larger leaves are ready to go into a Tom Ka soup - they smell amazingly lime-y!
Baby worms hatched! Hoping our vermicomposting rate will go way up with those voracious little guys helping out.
Mushroom kit arrived - It currently lives in the fridge to simulate "winter" and will come out soon. The shrooms will use up more of the boiled water, apparently due to salt sensitivity. Right now I'm just saving water in a paint bucket until the shrooms are ready to come out of hibernation. I'll take pictures as it gets more interesting.
We planted some sweet potato leaves "kolowa" to see if we can get the vines going. Check out the leaf-mulched container too - that's the ginger, which is shooting like crazy. Should start leafing soon?
Lastly, the blueberry tree (seen as a stick-like thing to the right of the sweet potato vine): it's budding like crazy under the CFL lights we put on it all day. But I learned that we need a *pair* of blueberries to get any fruit! So we will have to go get him a ladyfriend pretty soon.