
Some semblance of a plan

This update from the employment front:

I've been nominated to serve as a science teacher in the Peace Corps on an assignment departing in June (the earliest I could get)! My country hasn't been identified yet, but my recruiter has identified and placed me in a very large region of a developing continent in need of a volunteer. I contacted a former volunteer through a friend at CMU to learn more about her experience. Basically, she had an awesome time, falling in love with her [now] husband through letters during her service, felt she was an important and appreciated part of a community where she is still remembered, and she got in some all expenses-paid travel. By way of insuring that I'm pumped for my service opportunity, she pointed out some benefits of being a PC teacher that I hadn't thought of before:
  • Teachers are very well-appreciated and given respect, as they are much less abundant; you know your work will have a positive community impact.
  • Teaching is a well-defined set of skills that makes it easier to get a handle on what your job function is. Job satisfaction tends to be higher than other volunteers.
  • You get the summer off, so you can travel far and wide, work on secondary projects of interest, or both!
  • Your students will remember what you taught them long after you leave; sustainable learning and practices due to your efforts is virtually guaranteed!
Next steps:
Completing some very detailed health paperwork to get comprehensive clearance, and receiving my official invitation (equivalent to a job offer) to serve. Also, I'm going to look into attending some events with my parents to get them more comfortable with the idea of 27 months abroad, as well as getting them in contact with other parents of past/present PC volunteers.

In the meantime, for the next 7 months or so I'll be working as an intern on the BE SAFE campaign at the Center for Health, Environment, and Justice in the DC metro area. I'm jumping at the chance to work at a Non-Governmental Org and to concentrate on something close to my heart: hazardous waste! The basic goal is to protect health via pollution prevention (P2) policy and publication work. I'll probably get some experience in relevant environmental policy (RCRA/TOSCA/etc) and have fun researching and learning all kinds of details about waste facilities and how we unwittingly (uncaringly?) harm ourselves when we 'just throw it away'.

Take home message: There IS no "away," folks. Except for when I get on a plane in June for 27 months service off the continent of N. America - that reasonably qualifies as 'far away.' But by no means will I discourage anyone from visiting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! I am not-so-secretly envious of your current and future jobs, Caitlin. Keep me in the loop please. I'm excited for you and cheering on for all the good that you'll do. :)

-Amy King