(from Nigella Lawson's Feast, 2004)
This makes enough to give out as gifts, and then some. But it's so tasty.
4.5 C rolled oats
1 C/4 oz sunflower seeds (not the spicy kind!)
3/4 C/4 oz white sesame seeds
3/4 C/6 oz apple compote or apple sauce
2 t gr cinnamon
1 t gr ginger
1/3 C brown rice syrup or rice malt syrup or golden syrup
1/4 C clover honey
3/4 C light brown sugar
2 C/8 oz whole almonds
1 t salt
2 T sunflower oil
2 C raisins
- Preheat oven to 300/325 degF.
- Mix all things together very wlel in a large bowl. I do it in layers so the sticky things find their way to the dry things, and so seeds coat evenly. Use some spatulas or you'll be tarre dand feathered/seeded.
- Spread mxiture on two baking sheets (cookie sheets) and bake. Turn them halfway and redistribute - after around 20-25 mins. Your goal is to get it evenly golden.
- Cool and mix with raisins. Store in airtight containers. Little patterned cellophane bags make cute gift bags for this!