
Crunchy Leaf Comment

This morning I went out to forage for fallen leaves so I could beef up ye olde backyard compost pile -- I've been neglecting it because work's been busy and I've been staying in NoVA more than my 6 hour quota most days. A quick walk down G street provided more evidence for this conclusion: fall is here, and it's early! Sure, it will get hot this week, but September is always hot. Let's focus on the fallen leaves (still green): they're everywhere! It didn't take me but 15 mins to fill up on crunchy carbon to pair with 7 housemates' worth of food waste, but it shouldn't be that way.

And of course I *may* just be looking for evidence of suspicious weather that just smacks of climate change, but that only causes me grumpiness. At least on the end that worries about mass species extinction, famine, and disease. The part of me that likes a well-rounded compost pile is doing quite well.

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