
Have It Your Way: Wifi Is Everywhere.

Can't believe it! Free WiFi at the most ubiquitous place in America, even more populous than starbucks. I had *heard* that the internet is everywhere but I didn't really believe it. Now I'm watching football in front of a weird flashing fake fireplace on a squishy couch at Mickie D's.

Here are some of my early observations / culture shockin thoughts after being back in America for a few weeks, since October 3, when I came back from Africa where I lived for 2 years:

  • 495 Capital Beltway driving is scary
  • Blowdryers & Makeup are fun!
  • Why does my family need 5 cars?? That's ridiculous.
  • Salads are delicious
  • Refrigeration is revolutionary, if it comes from the right need (ie. food not booze)
  • TV is a dangerous time suck
  • It's hard to walk from one destination to another. That makes it hard to get exercise!
  • Why are so many people treating me like 1 of a number of cattle? Doesn't seem right.
  • Americans aren't used to touching, but they seem to like it / be OK with it sometimes.
  • Men (&women too!) spend all day looking at idealized images of the human body so anyone who looks any different is hated on/hates on themselves.
  • Water tastes icky, and there's really no variety in flavor. Mmmm, chemicals.
  • Bar bitches are mean
  • Pavement/tarmac is pretty ugly and has an effect on me that is the opposite of relaxing. It's everywhere in 'Merica. I guess because walking on the tarmac used to be the most crowded, dangerous place in Malawi, I'm still not comfortable. Where the mountains? Trees? Maize fields??

I published this first in my Malawi blog because I'm finished my service in Malawi! Time to blog about America some more.

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